Participation in the International Conference “Academic Mobility, Research Projects and Grant Programs: Experience, Opportunities, Prospects” (18.05.2019, Kyiv)
On May 18, 2019 at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine held an international conference “Academic mobility, research projects and grant programs: experience, opportunities, prospects”.
The event was supported by the Association for Promotion of Education and Science Globalization “SPACETIME”.
The aim of the conference was to exchange experience of the grant activity, presentation of the latest grant research programs and projects, scholarships for study abroad and academic exchanges.
More than 150 representatives of various organizations from Ukraine attended the event.
NEO-Ukraine Coordinator joined the event with welcome speech. During the panel work in groups the opportunities of the Erasmus+ Programme in the field of higher education and youth for all potential participants were presented. The architecture of the Program, key actions, general features of the call 2019-2020, conditions of participation etc. are covered.
Provided recommendations for finding partners, building synergies with international cooperation projects, and specifics of implementing Erasmus+ projects within the Programme rules and Ukrainian legislation.